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Artist Workshop Enquiry

Our newly expanded studio space is a flexible and affordable space perfect for small to medium sized sessions.


Great for new artists who haven't led many workshops and are looking for the experience, we'll help advertise, share and set up online sales... whatever needs doing, we are happy to help.


You will need to provide all of the tools and materials for your workshop but refreshments and snacks will be available and free to use.


The studio is available to hire from as little as £28 for half a day... that's just £7 per hour!

We only charge what we need to so that we can cover our costs while you are using the space. Price may vary depending on what other services or assistance may be requested.

While we do our utmost to make these facilities available at a reasonable and affordable price, we are a small business and must cover our costs.


If you're looking to run multiple workshops or an entire course, do let us know in the form below.

Include anything you would like us to know about you and your proposed workshop and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Please choose from the drop down whether you would like to run a standalone workshop on a single day, across multiple days (e.g. a weekend) , a Course (e.g. a 4 week long course every Friday until completion), or a workshop with multiple dates available

Please complete all that apply to you

By submitting your form, you confirm that you have read all the information provided and agree to the terms and conditions laid out below.

Payment for short slots will be taken in full once you receive your booking confirmation and invoice. In the event of a cancellation, your fee may be refunded in part or in full, at Sakura Studio Gallery's discretion.

Deposits on longer slots are to be paid at the time of your booking confirmation and are non-refundable - full payment is required prior to your workshop commencing.


To cancel or reschedule day slots, contact us directly by emailing up 14 days before your session is due to start. For Full weekend slots and week long slots, please contact us up to 30 days BEFORE your booking is due to commence or you may still be liable for the full cost of your booked time.


We understand emergencies happen so if anything comes up, we will always encourage you to get in contact and we will try to help and be flexible where possible. However, we must state that deposits are non-refundable, under any circumstances. We aim to help artists and creators and to do so we have to consider our costs too and a cancelled booking may not be able to be filled under short notice. We have carefully considered our approach to our booking and cancellation policies to ensure that our overheads are covered, so that we can continue to be of service to you and others in the future.

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